Open Collar vs. Peanut

Since we started selling collars we had the idea of implementing them with RLV / BDSM scripts. For BDSM lovers is an essential and add a bonus with a lot of possibilities for role play or adult lifestyles.

The question was whether to use the Open Collar system or the Peanut system. We were trying to buy a peanut creation kit but it was getting harder and harder to aquire. Currently the Peanut system does not sell creation kits, so we have finally decided to implement the Open Collar system, which, honestly, are very similar to each other.

It is currently in version 8 and we will try to implement it not only in new releases (as the Supreme Collar), but we will create Open Collar versions and add them to the ones we already have for sale.

I you bought any of our collars or you are interested in our items please join us in twitter or inworld (group) and you will be notified about the updates and new releases.

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