Fusion Dress v4 Update + Extended Offer! #nodstores

We would like to inform you that Fusion Dress has been updated to version V.4, addressing some little issues in certain designs for Reborn and Maitreya.

This original mesh design is rigged for:

- Maitreya

- Maitreya Petite

- Maitreya Flat

- Maitreya X

- Maitreya Petite X

- Ebody Reborn

- Ebody Reborn Waifu

But even more importantly, we want to let you know that we are extending the Fusion Dress launch offer until February, 5th - 2024!

You can now find this updated V.4 version on the Second Life Marketplace. However, if you prefer to try it on before purchasing, you can visit our main store and try it on right there. It is also available in any of our stores throughout Second Life.

Now available in Second Life Marketplace too!

Enjoy one of our best designs at the best price, but remember it's for a limited time!

SL Marketplace: