Who are you? NEW Tags to choose!

WHO ARE YOU? A Mistress? a Master? a Sub/slave? Pony?
Now you can choose your favorite tag wearing the NOD Group. Only you need to Edit the "NISEI OH VIP GROUP" pushing INFO Button and select in the little window at the bottom with the text "~nOd~Sexy Vip" to one of these NEW tags: Master, Mistress, Sub/Slave or Pony Girl.

If you don't are a MEMBER from Nisei Oh Vip Group, you only need to buy an item at the store or at the web and send us a notecard to join the group!

Courtesy of NOD Stores.

See NOD Stores products...

NOD Stores Latex & Fetish at XStreetSL

~nOd~ Latex & Fetish - Main Store in-world!

~nOd~ Web Site - www.nOdStores.com

~nOd~ You Tube Channel

Have fun...mmm
NOD Latex and Fetish Stores