Next Friday, April 30th, say good bye to your non-listed viewer.

On Friday, Linden Labs will begin enforcing the new Policy on Third Party Viewers. The steps Linde Lab will take may include blocking viewers that do not comply with the new conditions for access to Second Life. This includes software for viewing Second Life, any chat clients, utilities, bots, and proxies as well as applications that may not be listed in the Third-Party Viewer Directory.
This is the final Third-Party viewer directory.

Viewer Name Date Developer Name
Emerald Viewer 22-abr-10 Modular Systems
Omvviewer project 22-abr-10 Robin Cornelius
Sparkle IM 22-abr-10 Genkii KK
Pocket Metaverse 12-abr-10 Pocket Metaverse
METAbolt 05-abr-10 Legolas Luke
Mobile Grid Client 28-mar-10 Kurz Socke
Kirstens Viewer 09-mar-10 KirstenLee Cinquetti